Welcome back. In this saved search lesson, I'm going to be showing you how to operate with the audience's feature and the various options you have there.
So let's take a look at this. So we're here in this saved search that I made in the last lesson. So we can see we have item fulfillment pending but not shipped. And I showed you criteria and results. But let's take a look over here now in audience in the subtab. So if I scroll down here, we have all of these different little windows. And yours might look a little different. It doesn't necessarily match this exactly, but the concept will be the same.
What we're doing is basically now I previously had this public button selected when I first made the saved search. And what that did was it said that any other user, not just you as the owner of this saved search or the creator, but anyone can have access to this saved search as well. So if we once we have that selected notice right here, it also auto selects this roles. So every role in your netsuite instance will also have access to the saved search. And when we select that, it automatically selects it here. So now we suddenly have all of these roles that we can basically select to give access to this saved search.
We also have we can do the selection by department. We can do it by subsidiary, by employee. And we also have groups and partners. We don't have any set up for this demo account. You might have some setup for yours, but if you don't, it's not a big deal.
So now let's give an example of why would you want to not make a save search public, but maybe you want to specify some specific roles that would have access to that saved search. If, for example, you were making some accounting saved search, I was looking at things that were hitting certain accounts from a general ledger impact standpoint. You might want to go, okay, I don't want everyone to have access to this. I just want accountants. Maybe I want to add a bookkeeper, the CFO. I'm holding control down, so I can click multiple items. And I also want the controller to have access so I can specify these. All these accounting related roles would have access to this saved search.
I can also do it by going, okay, well, I want those roles and I also want, let's say, support everyone in the to support departments, have access and I want everyone at headquarters, the parent company, to have access. And maybe I have an employee that doesn't fit in any of those categories. But as someone, I definitely want to have access to this saved search. Maybe the CEO of the company. So I go, good. Eric Nelson is also going to have access. So I've now specified that these guys, people from this department, people from HQ and this specific employee all have access to this same search.
Now, one thing to think with is you don't solely need to have concern with making a saved search limited because you're worried about kind of the security of it. For example, if it's a saved search regarding employees, the only people that are going to be able to see that saved search, even if it's marked as public. You wouldn't necessarily want a sales representative to see all of these employee records, but a sales representative automatically doesn't have access to those employee records. So they will not have access to a saved search to be able to see the results of that saved search. So you don't have to worry about that aspect of things, but you might have certain roles or employees that are making a ton of saved searches and you don't necessarily want all of these saved searches to be kind of cluttering up other people's Netsuite instances or for some other reason. You just don't want those specific searches to be viewable by others in the company. So in that case, you can simply limit it to exactly who's accessing that saved search and no one else will have access.
Aside from, of course, the administrator, the administrator does have broad shoot access regardless of what other individual is making a saved search and limiting it to the administrator will have access.
One last thing I want to point out is over here we have allow audience to edit. That's basically saying that anyone that you specify can see the saved search can also modify the saved search. I don't recommend that you click that unless you specifically have set something up that you want maybe a limited amount of people to access it and be able to change it based on their needs and your, you know, who's going to access it and you're comfortable that they have the the kind of expertise to be able to appropriately change that saved search. So in general, we leave that one off. But if you have a specific use case, you can select it. And then, of course, if you hit save and run, it will now grant that saved search. It shows you the results of the saved search. And now all of those specifically mentioned people will have access to add it to their dashboard, their reminders, etc.
So that's it for the audience aspect of saved searches. I'll see you in the next video.